20 May

Vegan Food & Living.  UK's best selling vegan magazine.  Each edition is packed with news, recipes, nutrition advice and information about veganism.  


VIVA! The UK’s leading vegan campaigning charity, Founded in 1994 the charity focusses on creating a kinder, more sustainable world for humans and animals alike.  Blogs, clothing and accessory branded goods, health and nutrition articles.  A perfect place for all things vegan.


The Vegan Society.  A resourceful website for all your vegan questions.   How to embark on a vegan lifestyle, how to ensure you are making sensible food choices to meet dietary requirements, how to get involved with volunteering and fundraising if you choose, and much more.


I Hate Running and You Can Too.  A super book that covers "how to get started, keep going, and make sense of an irrational passion".  Light-hearted, humorous but highly motivational - I used this when embarking on the 0to5k challenge and then onward to the 5to10k challenge.  Available from Amazon and all good book retailers. The author, Brendan Leonard, is an established runner having completed more than 12 organized ultramarathons and marathons, including three of the most difficult 100-mile trail races in America.  Well worth a read and you'll keep dipping in and out of it as you take on your next fitness goal.


Sportin MS

Sportin MS is a charity which seeks to remove the stigma around talking about Multiple Sclerosis, helping support the mental and emotional wellbeing of MS sufferers and their loved ones. 



The brand is known predominantly as a running shoe company. The technology offers optimum biomechanics and posture commonly associated with walking barefoot and barefoot running. Having converted to this brand for my everyday shoes, running shoes and winter walking boots, I have seen huge improvement in my balance, which is often negatively impacted by MS.  There is a store in London but full range is also available online.


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