22 Jul

There is a multitude of information available about how to meet dietary requirements through vegan food choices, but I'm just summarising here in an easy to follow guide to show the best sources for each type of vitamin and mineral.



VitaminFunctionGood Food Sources
Fibre- Healthy bowels
- Slows sugar and fat absorption
- Reduces cholesterol and risk of cancer
- Fruit, including dried fruits
- Vegetables
- Wholegrains - choose wholegrain pasta, rice, bread

Vitamin A- Boosts the immune system
- Aids vision, bone and teeth development
- Aids tissue repair
- Fortified spreads
- Vegetables that contain beta-carotene, eg red pepper, carrot and any red, yellow or green leafy veg
- Fruit : mangoes, apricots, pumpkins, papaya

B group- Absorption of energy, protein and fats
- Cell growth
- Nerve function
B1 - Thiamin - peas, fruit, wholegrain bread
B2 - Riboflavin - rice, fortified cereals, quinoa, spinach, soybeans
B3 - Niacin - potatoes, mushrooms, wholegrains
B5 - Pantothenic Acid - potatoes, tomatoes, oats, broccoli, wholegrains
B6 - Pyridoxine - vegetables, peanuts, potatoes
B7 - Biotin - avocado, nuts, seeds, sweet potato
B9 - Folic Acid - broccoli, green leafy vegetables, peas, chickpeas, pulses eg lentils and kidney beans

B12- Formation of nerves and red blood cells
- Absorption of nutrients such as protein
- Fortified products, eg breakfast cereals and soya milks
- Yeast extract spread

Vitamin C- Antioxidant
- Boosts the immune system
- Formation of collagen in skin
- Encourages wound healing
- Helps body absorb iron
- Fruit : oranges, orange juice, blackcurrants, strawberries, grapefruit, green peppers
- Green vegetables :cabbage, broccoli, spinach, peas
- Potatoes

Vitamin D- Supports the immune system
- Controls amounts of calcium and other functions in the body
- Main source is sunlight on skin and fortified foods, but supplementation may be needed

Vitamin E- Needed to boost immune system
- Helps protect skin from UV damage
- Vegetable oils
- Nuts, especially almonds
- Avocado, asparagus, spinach, apples, carrots, tomatoes
- Wheatgerm

Vitamin KHealthy blood clotting and wound healing
- Green leafy vegetables, eg broccoli, spinach, Brussel sprouts

IodineThyroid function to regulate metabolism
- Iodized salt
- Sea vegetables

IronVital to make red blood cells to move oxygen around the body- Beans, peas, broccoli, spinach, cabbage
- Lentils
- Dried fruit : eg apricots, prunes, figs
- Wholegrains : wholegrain pasta, rice, bread
- Cocoa, turmeric, thyme, black treacle, pumpkin seeds

CalciumStrong bones and teeth- Sesame seeds and other seeds
- Pulses, eg tofu, beans
- Green leafy vegetables, eg broccoli, spinach, Brussel sprouts
- Almonds and Brazil nuts
- Olives
- Fennel

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